How to Spot A Bad
Traffic Seller/Dealer
🎡 Website 🎡
Traffic 101

Ninjacoder58 supports honest traffic dealers and we buy traffic
to gain viewers for our artist with the potential to succeed.
We will showcase what we find here for your viewing free
of charge to bring artist and fans together and to
educate website providers and owners on how to
spot shady offers..

The number one thing you can do to protect yourself from fake web traffic is
connect your website to Google webmaster tools and regularly monitor
and review your site’s analytics. Once set up in Google’s webmaster tools, Google’s own
bots will crawl your website and provide a list of any errors it may
find as well as send you email alerts when:
💀 Your website is being attacked by malware
💀 Your pages are not indexed
💀 You have server connectivity problems
💀 You get a manual penalty from Google.
Google Analytics tracking code set up
Baclinks: After buying several backlink offers we have noticed that after payment,
the backlinks and the visitors they bring will tend to come to a sudden and complete halt.
In other words the backlinks just purchased stop working, Stop working no,
but what happens is they have been removed by the author, so
they can reuse the backlink page repeatedly many times for new buyers.
We will try only permanent backlink offers with our next purchase
and report if there is any difference in staying power of the links.
On Google Analytics you can easily monitor the
traffic and visitors that are coming to
your website. Even if you find out you have a fake traffic issue
you can easily block that source with the help
of analytics tools. This is the best tool
to get all the details regarding site traffic and GA tips to improve your pageviews.
Another good source for website traffic in my opinion would for you to look into a
good article or blog that pertains to the topic your website is about.
These type of links are usually permanent and grow in volume with the blog or articles
popularity. You can find some offers here. The way it works is you give your url
and the word you think most decribes your website, which will be
inserted into the blog and when a visitor clicks your keyword it will go to your page.
Another good idea is to add a page hit counter to see how many
visitors you have to your page or website and many counters are free to use.